Monday, April 14, 2008

Gangs at School

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Key is in a gang! He came home from school last week and told us he'd formed a gang. Yep, he is the ringleader! (Oh, the shame!!) Criteria for being in the gang: being 5 or 6 years old, attending Gateway Elementary and being able to ride a bike without training wheels. They meet at recess and chase girls.
When pressed as to why he thought a recess gang was necessary in kindergarten he told us he wanted a gang like the one on Fat Albert. Robbie bought a DVD of old Fat Albert episodes for the boys recently and they love it. So, just as the song says, "You'll have some fun now, with me and all the GANG.........Nah, nah, nah gonna have a good time!"


Natalie said...

That is so funny! Key is such a cute kid!

Missty said...

LOL. Too funny! Works for me. I remember those great old cartoons. Gonna have a great time!


Stacy said...

Well, if you're gonna have a gang, ya might as well be the ringleader!

Hillrichs Family said...

LOL Key is too funny. It seems impossible to me that he is in kindergarten Lisa. It seems like yesterday that you announced your pg with him.....look at us now!